jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011


1 way did Jimmi Hendrix play his guitar, left handed or right handed?
2 How many Oscars Joan Crawford win?
3 Which feature common to Emmenthal and Gruyere cheeses?
4 What metric measurement was originally defined as a ten millionth of the distance the equator to the pole?
5 area of Paris was the setting of the film  'Can - Can' ?
6 What is the most common language in Algeria?
7 Which European capital city did Ernest Hemmingway refer to 'the capital of the world' ?
8 Which two of the four evangelists were apostles?
9 Which Asian leader was in prison when time magazine named man of the year for 1930?
10 What is a Gametophobic bachelor afraid ?
11 Chives are the cousin of vegetable?
12 What is the in this sequence: Alpha, beta, gamma, delta…?
13 What is the name of Mary Shelley’s tragic hero Baron Frankenstein ?
14 Which famous sculptor created “ The Thinker” and “ The Kiss?
15 Emperor Shahjahan’s monument to his favourite wife completed in Agra in 1563. What is it ?
16 Which Barcelona designed many distinctive buildings including the church of the Sagrada Familia ?
17 The herb 'wild marjoram' is known by what name ?
18 What was Pedro Duque the first to do ?
19 The Boston Tea Party contributed to the of which war ?
20 what film has Al Pacino won his only Oscar ?
La Mansión del Inglés. http://www.mansioningles.com
© Copyright La Mansión del Inglés C.B. - Todos los Derechos Reservados
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1 In which of these countries would you NOT drive the left ?
2 A 'schnauzer' is a of which animal ?
3 In which city   you find 'The Spanish Steps' ?
4 If you  a 'pamplemousse' in a French restaurant, what would you get ?
5 In which city Pablo Picasso born ?
6 In which country is the  of the Amazon ?
7 Who Holland in the 1978 World Cup final ?
8 There are 27 books the New Testament of the bible.
9 In which film did Tom Cruise Dustin Hoffman to Las Vegas ?
10 With what is the society EXIT ?
11 Which has the atomic number 1?
12 Which snake on the crown of Egyptian Pharaohs ?
13 Which capital city is by volcanic springs ?
14 What colour flag would you see in a beach that is clean and   of pollution ?
15 According to results of a world-wide survey, which is the popular Walt Disney film ever made ?
16 Who was the boy brought by wolves in 'The Jungle Book' ?
17 What would you use if you 'Ikebana' ?
18 Martin Sheen had a during the filming of which 1979 film ?
19 From which animal does cashmere ?
20 What colour is a giraffe's ?
La Mansión del Inglés. http://www.mansioningles.com
© Copyright La Mansión del Inglés C.B. - Todos los Derechos Reservados
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  1. Verb Tenses: Present Perfect (Tiempos verbales: Presente perfecto)
  2. Verb Tenses: Past Perfect (Tiempos verbales: Pasado perfecto)
  3. Verb Tenses: Future Perfect (Tiempos verbales: Futuro perfecto)
  4. Passive voice (La voz pasiva)
  5. Modals Verbs (Verbos modales)
  6. Reported Speech (Estilo indirecto)
  7. Conditionals (Condicionales)




2. Inglés intermedio (Intermediate English Level).

2.1- Singular/ Plural (Singular/ Plural).

2.1.1- Casos generales (General Cases).

2.1.2- Excepciones (Exceptions).

2.1.3- Plurales irregulars (Irregular Plurals).

2.2- Adverbios de frecuencia (Frequency adverbs).

2.2.1- ¿Cómo se forman los adverbios del inglés? (How do we form the English frequency adverbs?)

2.2.2- Principales adverbios de frecuencia (Main frequency adverbs).

2.2.3- Posición de los adverbios de frecuencia (Position of the frequency adverbs).

2.3- Adverbios de modo (Mode adverbs).

2.4- Voz pasiva (Passive voice).

2.5- Estilo indirecto (Reported Speech).

2.6- Alguno/a, Algunos /as (Some/Any).

2.7- Mucho/a, Muchos/as (Much/ Many).

2.8- Poco/a, Pocos/as (Little/ Few).